Starlite is a Consumer Electronics retailer with a wide range of products catering for all walks of life. The company has been in existence for more than thirty years with our main branch in Osu on main Oxford Street. Starlite makes sure this is done when our in-store staffs go the extra mile to meet customer demand from products to information through an amazing service. Products are carefully picked, priced and displayed in order to offer a stress-free and relaxing one. It is our intension that whoever walks into Starlite, walks out with a product they want and need, or a wide pool of products information added to their future shopping list with us.
+233 (0) 0248599699
KFC Junction Mall,Nungua Main Road,
Accra, Ghana
Feel free to reach out to us at any time our support team & ever ready customer care will
always be available to attend to your needs and ensure you are fully satisfied.
+233 (0) 233302747329
Junction Mall,Nungua Main Road, Accra, Ghana